

About us

A specialized accountant

Whatever your rental status (bare or furnished), and whatever your income tax regime (micro-foncier, micro-BIC or réel), you may benefit from the support of a chartered accountant in your rental investment.

We explain why, and when it makes sense.

Why use a chartered accountant? 👨🏻‍💼

A chartered accountant gives you an extra level of protection, and his or her presence alone limits the risk of a tax audit. He or she can also advise you on all aspects of leasing, right up to the most complex cases.

However, the configuration in which the use of a specialized accountant is virtually mandatory is LMNP under the real estate regime. In this case, the documents required by the tax authorities are substantial - they make up what is known as the “liasse fiscale” - and there is a major risk of error (calculation of depreciation, etc.).

The cost of a specialized accountant 💳

In the latter case, where the services of a chartered accountant - if possible one specialized in LMNP - are strongly recommended, you'll need to pay around 500 euros a year out of your own pocket, plus the cost of joining a Centre de Gestion Agréé* (CGA), i.e. 140 euros if you so choose.

These fees are then 66% tax-deductible. The actual cost is therefore equivalent to the cost of filing the tax return online, when a landlord does so independently.