Want to invest in buy-to-ley without investing hours or making costly mistakes? You're in safe hands! Our team of experts handles your buy-to-let project from A to Z!

Beanstock remet votre bien aux normes, tout en optimisant la rentabilité de votre rénovation énergétique : devis précis, perte de surface réduite, augmentation de la valeur locative et valorisation de votre bien.

DPE D garanti

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You're in good hands to invest

You're in good hands to invest

Are you looking to invest in rental property?

Determine your mortgage capacity in less than 5 minutes!

Améliorer son DPE, c'est bien…

Are you looking to invest in rental property?

Sans Beanstock

Devis coûteux et souvent imprécis

Recommandations limitées par les contraintes des parties communes

Perte potentielle importante de surface habitable

Recommandations de travaux non garanties

Avec Beanstock

Devis optimisé et immédiatement actionnable

Augmentation de la rentabilité locative

Augmentation de la valeur de votre bien

DPE D garanti !

Perte d'espace minimisée


How much does the service cost ?

How much does the service cost ?

How much does the service cost ?

I have more than one dwelling do I need to subscribe twice?

I have more than one dwelling do I need to subscribe twice?

I have more than one dwelling do I need to subscribe twice?

Do I have access to a software or is it done by an accountant ?

Do I have access to a software or is it done by an accountant ?

Do I have access to a software or is it done by an accountant ?

I want to purchase my appartement with a company, can Beanstock help in company creation ?

I want to purchase my appartement with a company, can Beanstock help in company creation ?

I want to purchase my appartement with a company, can Beanstock help in company creation ?

Are you looking to invest in rental property?

Determine your mortgage capacity in less than 5 minutes!

Are you looking to invest in rental property?

Determine your mortgage capacity in less than 5 minutes!